What is the ELPAC?
The California English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is an assessment that is given to all students who speak a second language at home. According to the Department of education each school district that has one or more pupils who are English learners, and, to the extent required by federal law, each county office of education and each charter school, shall assess the English language development of each pupil in order to determine the level of English Proficiency. Each district is responsible for conducting the assessments required for each student. Each student identified as an English Language Learner will continue to be assessed until the ELL is considered proficient and is reclassified under the qualification specified within the district.
If the student is considered to be reclassified parents and teachers are notified and the correct paperwork is filed in order for the student to be considered and qualified. Parents and teachers are consulted in regards to the child's proficiency levels and academic levels once a student is reclassified.
Initial ELPAC
Completing the Initial ELPAC Process - Quick Reference Guide
* Listening Domain - Information Sheet
* Speaking Domain - Information Sheet
* Reading Domain - Information Sheet
* Writing Domain - Information Sheet
Summative ELPAC
* Listening Domain - Information Sheet
* Speaking Domain - Information Sheet
* Reading Domain - Information Sheet
* Writing Domain - Information Sheet